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Get to Know Us
and Our Philosophy

alessandra spaulding nicole curtis talk time boston


The Perfect Match

When Alessandra and Nicole met several years ago, they had no idea they were about to become best friends. As speech pathologists, they had similar backgrounds and training -- even working at the same place at a different time. Then, just as they started to become work friends, the pandemic threw a wrench into everything as everyone went remote.


But that couldn't stop them! Over the next few years, Nicole and Alessandra grew closer together, sharing their love of video games, novel writing, fantasy books, and -- of course -- all things communication. 


Now they are thrilled to be running Talk Time together, bringing their creativity and energy to everything they do to help children communicate and make this practice thrive.


High Quality, Data-Driven, Functional Therapy

Talk Time provides travel and teletherapy services to children from birth to adolescence. We work with families to provide a treatment plan that is meaningful, measurable, and master-able!


Our evidence-based approaches for young children stem from both clinical research and clinical expertise including parent coaching models, child-led therapy, hybrid approaches, and routines-based intervention.


For older children, we work closely with families for home carryover in addition to encouraging intrinsic motivation for progress. We also work on building self-advocacy skills, compensatory strategies, and higher-level language and literacy skills that are crucial as kids continue through later schooling.



Strengths-Based, Meaningful, and Unique

Your child is unique and deserves to have a treatment plan that reflects that. Talk Time understands this. Our approach is both culturally competent and neurodiversity affirming, working with a wide range of families and children with different backgrounds and diagnoses. In addition, we use flexible service delivery models that are tailored specifically for your child based on their support needs, their personal interests, and their progress to date.


Not every clinic and not every clinician will be the right fit for every family. Check out our handout below for more information about our Talk Time philosophy and see if Talk Time is right for you!

Our Core Values


Evidence-based approaches coupled with clinical expertise


Choosing goals that fit your child's needs in the real world


Providing therapy for a diverse community of individuals 


Clear communication to families about their child's progress


Conducting ourselves ethically and providing competent and accurate services

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