Language Intensive
Our Language Intensive is designed for toddlers and early preschoolers with receptive language and/or expressive language delays, as well as delayed gestalt language learners. This week-long intensive program will immerse your little one in a fun, play-based, language rich environment to help expand their language and communication.
Meet Your SLP Camp Counselor
Meet Kendra, Speech Language Pathologist at Talk Time Boston. Kendra is passionate about early language learners and supporting emergent communicators expressing their wants and needs. She is trained in language elicitation strategies and gestalt language processing. Kendra loves incorporating play into her language activities, and she is always looking for new ways to be creative and fun in her therapy. She is excited to lead this brand new initiative to help children get a high dose of therapy for one week during the summer months!
Language Intensive Program
We have up to six seats available for both our July and August 2024 Language Intensive. This program is designed for toddlers and preschoolers with receptive language delays, expressive language delays, or delayed gestalt language processors.
JULY CAMP: July 15th - July 19th
AUGUST CAMP: August 5th - August 9th
Each day will start off at 9am with a group circle time, child-led open play, books, singing, crafts, and sensory activities. There will also be a snack break and movement throughout the day.
Each student will have a mix of SLP-led group time as well as one-on-one SLP intervention time.
Each day, we will be focusing on increasing the receptive and expressive language skills of our participants. This happens both in individual mini-sessions with an SLP and in the larger group setting during structured and unstructured play. A mixture of direct teaching, passive modeling, and play-based activities will help support the children in developing these skills.